Instructor: Jackie Wu
When: July 20th to 22nd 2018 (Friday to Sunday)l
9am to 5.30pm
Where: Rehab Pro Movement Therapy Clinic - 30 Merchant Road, #02-09, Riverside Point, Singapore
A faster, more effective, more complete, and pain-free approach to scoliosis.
Course Outline
Day 1:
Neural Limit Testing, Stress-Test
Neural Limit Bring Back
Easy fixes (commoner’s scoli):
Rotational/weight shift habits (Workshop: Vagus Nerve Polarity)
Jaw: R/L Brain correction, Jaw Rebalancing
Day 2:
Psychology behind the release and the activations. Patient communication...
Frontal Plane Basic
Transverse Plane Basic
ScoliVision: Manual
ScoliVision with Exercises
Day 3:
Self Release Option (Patient Homework)
Leaky Gut
Food/Product Sensitivity Testing
Kidney health
Liver health
Immune health
Cardiovascular health
Exercise habits for normal life
Timeframe of expected recovery
Adrenal Test
Mentality change
Q/A, Thank you’s, Eval Forms
Course fee: USD$1200
Payment via -
Alternative: SGD$1600 cash to RehabPro
Necessary information to provide upon registration:
1. Name
2. Email address
3. Indicate “ScoliMethod Singapore July 2018”